Mobile Grid Client

The Second Life client for your mobile phone.

Version 1.3.0 is waiting for you in the market. Some of you requested a group chat feature, here it is. Now you can start and join Second Life group chats on your phone.


  • group chat feature
  • compatible with CDMA phones
  • timestamps for offline IMs
  • message on inventory received
  • some small bugfixes

If you like it rate it high on the market, if you don’t like it post a comment here ;-).


Mobile Grid Client is out now and available via Android market. Follow this link or scan the QRCode on the right to get to the market entry of Mobile Grid Client.

Some of you may have noticed the new name. Well, Linden Lab kindly informed us to change it, so we hope all of you are also happy with the new one. Maybe we can add some support for other grids in the future.

And one more thing we have to mention: Because this is a hosted service and therefore requires a server to be payed, we can’t provide the service for free. Take a look at the Licensing/Pricing page.

Now go and get it and put your Second Life into your pocket!

Today the first round of the Android Developer Challenge started. And the first big problem arose: Linden Lab has banned the IP of the login server. So everyone who wants to login via Mobile Grid Client receives the following message:

Second Life cannot be accessed from this computer.
If you feel this is an error, please contact

I opened a ticket at the Second Life support pages, and waited for response. I’m still waiting, but the login is working again.

So if you get this message on login, please be patient and try once again a few minutes later. I’ll get in contact with Linden Lab and hopefully solve this issue.

Addendum: This was a kind of technical issue and was solved in minutes. The problem never arose again since then.

Mobile Grid Client (originally known as My Second Mobile Life) participates at the Android Developer Challenge 2. So if you like this application, please judge it high. So we can invest even more time and money into the development of it.

This is the fist Second Life client for Android.

It’s designed for people who always want to be present in Second Life and in contact with their friends. This first version allows you to receive and send chat messages, instant messages, friendship and teleport offers. Additionally it shows you a small map representing the region you are logged in. Receiving instant messages also works when the phone is in standby.

Future versions will bring more features like viewing avatar profiles, a list with all the avatars next to you, search for avatars and land, localization and more.