Mobile Grid Client

The Second Life client for your mobile phone.

Some of you requested the feature to give someone money (L$) and therefore the latest version (v1.7.506) supports payments to avatars. You will also be noticed if someone sends you money. I hope you like it.

The previous version (v1.6.472) introduced an issue with the friendlist, sometimes it did not update the online status. This is fixed now.
If you encounter some problems (like the one with the friendlist) don’t hesitate to contact me via a comment on this site or via e-mail.

The new released version (1.6.452) now supports teleporting to avatars in the same region. You will be teleported 2m to the east of the the selected avatar. This should make it possible to chat with everyone in the region and follow people to special places. I think it’s the best way to move without seeing.

Also new is the group notice feature, but at the moment only the message itself is displayed in the appropriate group chat channel, the attachments are not saved to your inventory.

With the latest version (1.5.408) of the client it’s now easier to teleport around in Second Life and to stay in contact with other people. Your profile now also lists your landmark and calling card inventory folder. Only the elements in the root of these folders are displayed. Duplicate calling cards are only displayed once.

new mapThe map also got some small enhancements and additionally shows now three red circles around your avatar indicating the chat distances (whisper, say and shout). Those of you who want to listen to the parcels music stream now have the ability to retrieve the parcel’s music URL (The guys from DroidLive are working to support the launch of the stream with just a tap).

All log messages (on/offline messages, inventory offers, …) are now logged in the local chat list.

Yesterday I received an e-mail form ADC 2 Support:

[…] Unfortunately, your application was not selected by Android users as one of the top 20 in its category. […]

But anyway, I want to thank all of you who supported this project at ADC 2 and I hope you like all the improvements I have made since the start of ADC 2.

ADC 2 was the reason for me to start this project, but the end of the challenge will not mean the end of Mobile Grid Client. Don’t worry I’ll keep working on it.

BTW: Some of you are posting questions at the Android Market rating comment. I can’t answer them there. If you have questions or problems using the application please have a look at the How to use it page, post your questions here as a comment or send me an e-mail.

Version 1.4 is out now and has the ability to search for people and to set a custom start location (But be aware that there is no error message when the start location is not available, you will automatically be redirected to a nearby region.).


  • people search feature
  • home, last and custom start location via settings menu
  • crash with full screen soft keyboard fixed
  • better scrolling on chat lists